Ivan Karaman

Testing and Automation Coach
Test Automation is hard! 🙄

But is it really? Only some parts of it are... EVERYTHING is possible, if you have a strong foundation. However, acquiring this foundation is a tedious and time-consuming process. What to learn? When? How?

You need guidance! And I can help!

I offer coaching sessions within the JavaScript

ecosystem. These sessions are aimed at:

  • complete beginners
  • mid-level testers
Why Choose Me
I've been in testing-related roles for 17+ years, including test leadership and writing code. I have taught workshops, facilitated meetings, and spoken on stage!

I have experience and skills to explain complex
technical concepts using simple real-world analogies.

My mission is to empower people like you with the essential knowledge and skills needed to excel in the field of software testing and test automation
Make a decision after no obligations free trial session
We adapt learning to match your needs
Choose time, date, and cadence that suits you
Pay as you go,
stop anytime
What Clients Say
Real people. Real words. Verifiable on LinkedIn
Ready to unlock your potential?
You can choose a convenient time and use a free trial session to get to know me better
Not ready? Want to save some money on coaching?
Why not buy a ready-made course from me?